New Year // New Me
Bring it on 2018! Normally I am not about the 'new year, new me' bullshit because I don't think you need to wait until January 1 rolls around to make whatever changes your life or your mindset might require. This year, though, I'm going with it. I'm softening my 'this...
Workout Wednesday: Love Your Body
With all the hate floating around the world lately, I'm choosing to love. Love those around me, love what I'm doing, love the moment and most importantly: LOVE MY BODY. I'm doing things a little bit different on this particular Workout Wednesday and instead of sharing...
#1 Overnight Stay at The Graduate - Lincoln I could go on and on about our experience at Lincoln's newest addition to their hotel scene, The Graduate, but I'll keep it short and sweet. If you're local to Omaha and are looking for a quick overnight getaway, stay here....
Workout Wednesday: Food Diary
What do YOU eat?! I swear that's the question I get asked in half of the DMs I receive on Instagram. I always giggle a bit when I do read that because I am not nearly as clean of an eater as I'd like to be, I don't track calories or macros, I'm not great about taking...
#1 Fresh Zucchini 'Tis the season for fresh veggies and I absolutely love it! Nothing more organic than digging something right out of your in-laws amazing garden that they weed and water by hand. Because Kyle's parents have a garden, we reap the benefits!...
#1 Zucchini Chicken Enchiladas Boats Honestly hell may have frozen over on Sunday evening because Kyle--yes, my husband Kyle--asked me if we could do my 'cleanse' again. Uhmmm, what!? I'd like to think his request was because he's finally on-board with a healthy...
#1 Cauliflower-based Smoothies I cannot believe I only discovered adding cauliflower to smoothies a few months ago. I've been completely missing out! And ever since I've posted smoothie recipe & combos on my Insta stories and Snapchat {@kristinkruse} it seems like...
So much love this weekend. SO MUCH. My heart was overflowing with joy for a solid 36 hours this past weekend as I watched my SIL, Lindsey, marry her best friend. The outpouring of love for the two of them was evident from 1,000 miles away and there weren't many dry...
Meet My Dad
Today I'm introducing y'all to Doug! {This is his 'I can pose for blog pictures too' look! Can't even deal hahaha!} Meet my dad. He's awesome. Along with my Mama, he's raised 4 daughters. No, he does not have any boys. No, he does not need your sympathy because he did...
#1 The Easiest Breakfast. Ever. Cute title for my 'food' portion of today's post huh?! HA. I'm over a week & a half into my Whole 30 diet and while I have made some non-Whole30-approved choices, I've been pretty dang good if I do say so myself. I've also...
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