Monday Musings – Vol 13
Thanksgiving Week brings us to Monday Musings - Vol 13 and that makes me extra thankful. It means that I've been consistent with blogging every Monday for over 3 months now! 🙂 Lets just glide right over the fact that this is coming on a Tuesday. Jet lag, people! Or...
Monday Musings – Vol 12
Another Monday is upon us. Sometimes I feel like the previous Monday was a year ago and then days like today, I think WTF where did last week go? This Monday Musings - Vol 12 is going to be a bit scatterbrained. So continue on with caution 😉 But I do hope you'll...
Monday Musings – Vol 11
Happy Monday! We're going to keep things real light & fluffy here in Monday Musings - Vol 11 because I'm right on the tipping point of losing it. And I have a sneaking suspicion I may not be the only one... Retail therapy helps me ignore the obnoxiousness of the...
Monday Musings – Vol 10
It's BIRTHDAYYY MONTH! I should probably say sorry in advance because you're going to here that a lot over the next ~30 days. Only fitting that I start Monday Musings - Vol 10 off with that, ya know!? Just ask my his speech at our wedding reception, he said a...
Monday Musings – Vol 9
Boots (size 8) / Sweatpants (size XS) It snowed. In October. WHAT THE HECK. Monday Musings - Vol 9 is starting off frigid. And that's in regards to both the actual temp and my internal mood! While I haven't been officially diagnosed with seasonal depression, it's...
Monday Musings – Vol 8
Holy crap, a weekend at home. ALONE. Well, almost alone. I'm coming at you EARLY with Monday Musings - Vol 8. Feeling refreshed, energized and optimistic. Who the heck am I!? Lets just say I foresee a slightly obnoxious amount of coffee being consumed today. Not...
Amazon Prime Day Finds
There are lots of sales happening right now! Shopbop to Target to AMAZON! So it's only fitting that I highlight the best Amazon Prime Day Finds for you today. Today & tomorrow (October...
Monday Musings – Vol 7
It's just another manic Monday... Which means Monday Musings - Vol 7 is in order. But seriously, today has been MANIC to say the least. 5 Zoom meetings BEFORE 1pm. At least my afternoon was a little more open so I could actually attack my inbox & to do list....
Monday Musings – Vol 6
Holy crap, it's October already. Where has this year gone!? I have heard so many people call 2020 a wash but I disagree. Despite some LOW lows, this year brought me Smith, Braxton & Georgia so I can't complain. On that positive note, y'all have made Monday Musings...
Monday Musings – Vol 4
I'm going to give myself a high-five because today's Monday Musings - Vol 4 marks a FULL MONTH in this series! Being consistent with the blog has been difficult for me but I've found a renewed desire to write and this has been cathartic. Some people journal. Others...
©2021. A Midwestern Mix