Monday Musings – Vol 29
It's another Monday which means Monday Musings - Vol 29 is here! It's sort of sunny. So we're calling that a win! And last night I managed 7 whole hours of sleep. Because of that, I didn't feel the urge to pass out at 1pm. YAY! And yet another win is that Kyle and I...
Monday Musings – Vol 28
The 10 day forecast looks like a real buzzkill here in the central Midwest. So not cool. But what is cool? Monday Musings - Vol 28. That's cool. And it's also cool because it marks 2 weeks in a row back on track. Yay me! Seriously though, 7 days in a row with a 40+%...
Monday Musings – Vol 27
Wow, it's been a hot minute since I've given y'all a proper Monday Musings. So here I am with Monday Musings - Vol 27 and the pledge to be better about the consistency. For a while I was rocking & rolling. And then life reached out and slapped me in the face. Like...
Our IVF Journey: Transfer Update
A few of you noticed my lack of blog posts last week. Even more of you sent DMs on Instagram just 'checking in' because my stories seemed a bit off. Well, some of you are pretty dang intuitive. If you didn't notice, don't worry. It was my goal to make things look as...
Monday Musings – Vol 26
With today's Monday Musings - Vol 26, we have officially hit the 6 month anniversary of this series! YAY! I'm so excited that y'all have loved it. Because it's the type of post I love to write most! My first attempt at this was August 31, 2020. Which means I missed...
Monday Musings – Vol 25
Alright, is back to regularly schedule programming over here. Monday Musings - Vol 25 is going to set up a fun week of THREE POSTS. I know, who am I!? In fact, we could actually sprinkle in a 4th over the weekend. You will just have to wait and see! I am...
Uncensored: Infertility Q&A
Prepare for a LONG post. Uncensored: Infertility Q&A isn't going to be a quick read. It is my hopes that with this post, questions that you may have will be answered. That if you are 1 in 8 struggling with infertility but don't know what you don't know, you can...
Monday Musings – Vol 24
We have officially reached the last week in February. Monday Musings - Vol 24 is coming at you with low energy but lots of hope! Seriously though, how are we almost 2 full months down in 2021 already? While this is going to flow like all Monday Musings posts since Day...
Dear Diary – Stim Shots Recap
*Warning: If you aren’t interested in a raw, unfiltered, honest conversation about reproductive struggles, you will want to sit this Dear Diary - Stim Shots Recap blog post out* I figure it's best to start off these types of in-depth posts with a bit of a disclaimer....
Monday Musings – Vol 23
I know I've been complaining about the temperatures the last few weeks but HOLY CRAP it's freaking FREEZING. I'm typing this as Alexa is telling me 'the current wind chill is -29*.' Like how is that even a thing!? Putting it out there that on 2/15 in Monday Musings -...
©2021. A Midwestern Mix