Workout Wednesday: When It’s Too Hot
It's hot almost everywhere. Yes, I'm well aware that it is Summer and Summers in most places are HOT. I'm also a huge fan of warm, sometimes even really warm, weather. But I can't be the only one who thinks the past 4-6 weeks have been something else. When I look at...
Workout Wednesday: Nordstrom Sale Fitness Picks
Happy Hump Day, babes! Sick of all the Nordstrom sale posts? I honestly am kind of loving them because I seem to keep discovering pieces I either completely missed or wasn't a fan of online but then see it styled on a girl and fall in love. Again, so bad for my bank...
Workout Wednesday: MIO
Fitness trackers are everywhere right now. But seriously...take a look at peoples' wrists and I swear over 75% of them have on some sort of fitness tracker. I love the idea of them because it's a great way to set small, daily goals and keep track of how you performed...
Workout Wednesday: Red Leggings
I'm seeing red! But in a good way. Today's Workout Wednesday post is leaning more towards the fashionable side of fitness and athleisure wear but I sincerely believe THESE leggings deserve an entire post dedicated to them and them alone. I've been on the hunt for a...
Workout Wednesday: Ways to Motivate Yourself
Finding workout motivation can be tough! I absolutely love working out and usually I look forward to whatever fitness routine I have planned for the following morning when I crawl into bed and set my alarm. But then there are times that I don't. It's not that I don't...
Workout Wednesday: Spring Workout Gear
Spring workouts are the best. The weather is usually warm but not too warm, breezy and ideal for taking some of your fitness routines outdoors. I absolutely love hopping off our treadmill in the basement and logging my miles on the pavement around the neighborhood or...
Workout Wednesday: Race Recap
Just like that the race is in the past. It's kind of crazy to think that it's been 10 days since Cassidy & I ran our Half in Toledo. Bittersweet almost. While we both had a few hiccups towards the end of our training, I'm super impressed with how many miles we...
Workout Wednesday: Race Ready
Race Day is Sunday! I cannot believe that my race is literally 4 days away. I'm equally as excited about it as I am incredibly nervous. My training started back in January and I stuck to my plan almost 100% which is kind of shocking. Unfortunately over the past 12...
Workout Wednesday: What’s Up
What's up y'all?! It's WEDNESDAY. Weird title for a blog post, I totally get it. I was thinking the same thing. But a majority of the time my titles come easy because they're focused around a piece of clothing, outfit, food item, etc. but since this one is kind of all...
Workout Wednesday: Weekly Review
Another weekly workout recap coming at you today! Most people hate Mondays--me included, usually!--but no one hates Workout Wednesdays, right!? Kidding. I'm sure many people loathe working out in general so the idea that this day is dubbed 'Workout Wednesday' by some...