Monday Musings – Vol 32
So I contemplated calling this Monday Musings - Vol 32 something different. Monday Mind Dump...
4 Outfits for the 4th of July
Somehow we are just about to transition over into July. Like WHERE is summer going!? For some...
Workout Wednesday
Remember 2 weeks ago when I said I was going to get even more consistent with Workout Wednesday...
Monday Musings – Vol 31
I had every intention of starting this Monday Musings - Vol 31 yesterday. But between the long...
Workout Wednesday
It's been quite a while since my last Q&A-focused Workout Wednesday post, so I thought what...
Monday Musings – Vol 30
A bright, sunshine-y day here in western Iowa brings you Monday Musings - Vol 30! Last week Kyle...
Monday Musings – Vol 29
It's another Monday which means Monday Musings - Vol 29 is here! It's sort of sunny. So we're...
Monday Musings – Vol 28
The 10 day forecast looks like a real buzzkill here in the central Midwest. So not cool. But what...
Workout Wednesday: My Favorite Running Shorts
If y'all could see my DMs, you know it's no exaggeration when I say this post is long overdue....
Monday Musings – Vol 27
Wow, it's been a hot minute since I've given y'all a proper Monday Musings. So here I am with...
I Am Having a Miscarriage
So this is going to suck. Well actually this DOES suck. Once again I am bringing you an update....
Our IVF Journey: Transfer Update
A few of you noticed my lack of blog posts last week. Even more of you sent DMs on Instagram just...
Workout Wednesday – My Favorite Shoes
Because this question winds up in my DMs at least a handful of times each week, today's blog post...
Monday Musings – Vol 26
With today's Monday Musings - Vol 26, we have officially hit the 6 month anniversary of this...
Amazon Wardrobe Try On
Back when I first started A Midwestern Mix, outfit blog posts were everything. But over the years...
Workout Wednesday
I'm back with a REAL Workout Wednesday post! Lots of you sent DMs asking when this would return....
Monday Musings – Vol 25
Alright, is back to regularly schedule programming over here. Monday Musings - Vol 25...
Uncensored: Infertility Q&A
Prepare for a LONG post. Uncensored: Infertility Q&A isn't going to be a quick read. It is my...
Monday Musings – Vol 24
We have officially reached the last week in February. Monday Musings - Vol 24 is coming at you...
Dear Diary – Stim Shots Recap
*Warning: If you aren’t interested in a raw, unfiltered, honest conversation about reproductive...
©2021. A Midwestern Mix