A Gift Guide with Mom!

This is a friendly PSA: Mother’s Day is just around the corner! It’s May 8 for those of you who weren’t exactly sure but knew it was coming up quickly. 😉 With just over a week to get you Mom, Grandma, or whatever special female in your life that you...


 Bag / Sunglasses It’s time for another installment of #ThursdayThree! Yesterday was a hell of a day. I think it may have been one of the most up, down, and mentally-exhausting days I’ve had in as long as I can remember. Uncertainty in my current job along...


It’s Thursday–or as I like to call it, Friday Eve! In all seriousness, I would much prefer it to be Friday but as the weather seems to get nicer every day {minus the torrential rains we got yesterday!} my attitude has just drastically improved. Not saying...


Back to reality. Kyle and I got back home late yesterday evening and I’m super exhausted. Like I could probably use a vacation from our vacation. Despite San Diego only being 2 hours behind Omaha, by internal time just feels off. Totally not complaining...

Packing Essentials

Packing is not one of my favorite things. I love the reason for packing–off to somewhere!–but hate the effort it takes. Yes, you all are now well aware of the fact that Kyle & I are off to sunny Southern California bright and early tomorrow but no,...


Another Thursday, another installment of my #ThursdayThree. Not surprising at all, last week’s post on Palmer was a major hit. Something about cute babies just makes everyone happy–at least that is sure true for me! My initial goal with this series was to...