by Kristin | Jun 29, 2017 | Lifestyle
#1 Cauliflower-based Smoothies I cannot believe I only discovered adding cauliflower to smoothies a few months ago. I’ve been completely missing out! And ever since I’ve posted smoothie recipe & combos on my Insta storiesĀ and Snapchat {@kristinkruse}...
by Kristin | Jun 26, 2017 | Lifestyle
So much love this weekend. SO MUCH. My heart was overflowing with joy for a solid 36 hours this past weekend as I watched my SIL, Lindsey, marry her best friend. The outpouring of love for the two of them was evident from 1,000 miles away and there weren’t many...
by Kristin | Jun 16, 2017 | Lifestyle
Today I’m introducing y’all to Doug! {This is his ‘I can pose for blog pictures too’ look! Can’t even deal hahaha!} Meet my dad. He’s awesome. Along with my Mama, he’s raised 4 daughters. No, he does not have any boys. No, he...
by Kristin | Jun 15, 2017 | Lifestyle
#1 The Easiest Breakfast. Ever. Cute title for my ‘food’ portion of today’s post huh?! HA. I’m over a week & a half into my Whole 30 diet and while I have made some non-Whole30-approved choices, I’ve been pretty dang good if I do say...
by Kristin | Jun 8, 2017 | Lifestyle
#1 Going Whole 30 June is going to be a whirlwind. Between a Bachelorette party, wedding, College World Series and a bunch of other random events and commitments I know that eating right is going to have to be made a priority. So despite all of the things I’ve...
by Kristin | May 11, 2017 | Lifestyle
#1 Lavender Lattes If you follow me on social media, you are probably sick of my obsession with Lavender Lattes. But I can’t help it. There is something about them that has me craving them at least twice a week! They’re refreshing, Spring-y and drinking...
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