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Medicine Balls are my jam.

For real. I love medicine balls and I wish that our tiny basement could house every possible weight option I could ever dream of wanting. That, unfortunately, is not the case though so I settle for having one at home and then take advantage of my OrangeTheory studio having tons more! My favorite thing about working out with medicine balls is the ability to use them for literally everything. Arm workouts? Yep. A leg series? Absolutely. Ab work? You bet. I also find them easier to use {for some moves} than regular free weights becauseย I’m able to get a better grip in most cases. I have this particular medicine ball and highly prefer it to the ones you typically see in a gym, like these, because of the latex shell, fingertip grips, and the fact it’s filled with sand. Totally a personal preference thing, though!

So besides their aesthetic, why else do I love training with medicine balls?ย Valid question and more than likely the real reason you are still reading this post ๐Ÿ˜‰ I can get long-winded, sue me. Anyway, There are three main reasons that I love incorporating medicine balls into my workout routines and these three reasons are likely to resonate with almost everyone, regardless of their current fitness level. Those three magical reasons are its versatility, its effectiveness, and the ability to travel anywhere & everywhere with it.


The same way I love certain pieces of clothing for their versatility, I also love specific workouts & workout equipment for their versatility. As I mentioned above, you can use medicine balls for just about every kind of fitness move. This workout includes 9 moves that target everything from your core to arms and incorporates static moves with cardio-centered moves {yes, talking about your favorite…burpees!}. All of the moves can be done with one piece of equipment – the medicine ball. No need to swap out various sized free weights, bands, etc. just use one ball for every move and you’ve got yourself a full body workout. Knowing that I can get a solid strength and/or cardio circuit in with one of these just solidifies the purchase in my mind!


Why would you use something if it wasn’t effective? Despite this reason being kind of a no-brainer, I mention it because it really is true. Medicine balls are effective because they increase strength, stability, and range of motion if you use them properly and consistently. For the 1000th time, I am not a trained professional, but I can attest to working out with a medicine ball on a regular basis HAS indeed improved my strength {combined with a wide variety of other reasons, obviously}. I like to see real results fast so I usually go for a heavier weight and lower reps, however I prefer sticking with anย 8lb. medicine ball when I’m doing an entire workout that incorporates them. That particular weight is what I find most effective for me and it’s a weight that I can manage throughout a full workout without compromising form.


I don’t know about you but most of the time when I travel, my workout routine suffers.ย I love trying new boutique classes next to hotels we stay in or I will use the on-site gym on occasion, but often times it seems easier to just skip out all together. BAD IDEA. At least in my case. I feel crappy when I don’t get a sweat session in, even a short one, so that is where a medicine ball can be gold. They don’t take up much space, and so long as you’re driving, it really doesn’t matter that they add a few extra pounds to your luggage. Bringing one with you leaves you with zero ability to NOT workout. Put together a simple circuit of Russian Twists, Cross Chops, Weighted Squats, Lunge & Press, and V-ups and you’re good-to-go and require hardly any space to compete!

There you have it. Three reasons why if you don’t have a medicine ball, you should go out and buy one right now. You may be sore after using one but I swear you’ll thank me! ๐Ÿ™‚

Shop the Look:

Tank / Leggings / Yoga Mat / Medicine Ball