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In the spirit of supporting local entrepreneurs and fellow females who embody the #girlboss mentality whole-heartedly, I have the privilege today of introducing you to Cheryl Martin. She’s the creator, designer, and jewelry maker behind Cheryl Martin Designs. Cheryl and I are actually co-workers by day that each have our own creative passions that we tend to on the side but interestingly enough NEITHER of us knew about the others’ ‘secret’ projects. She discovered my blog online and was shocked to find out I sat just around the corner from her! Likewise, I was shocked to find out of the few women who work in our office, one is an incredibly talented jewelry maker. God has some bizarre ways of connecting people 🙂 I’m so glad to be able to share with all of you some of my favorite pieces that she’s created but more importantly, I want to let YOU get to know HER better. Without further adieu, here she is:

Tell us a little about yourself & your jewelry line:

My work envelops my lifelong love of crocheting, my passion for the environment and my slight obsession for things that sparkle!  I hold a degree in Fashion, which has played an integral role in how I mix color, texture and movement into my signature pieces. I’ve always been one to “color outside the lines” and sometimes that’s been difficult.  However, I believe life takes you exactly where you are supposed to go, if you keep your heart open to all its’ possibilities.  Never give up on your dreams!

What goes into making each piece (how do you decide what to make, how long does it take, etc.)

I usually start with an image in mind, but as art often does, it takes on a mind of its own. Crocheting wire is much different than yarn and is much more time consuming.  The wire is very thin and the hook is very small!! Some pieces can be finished in a few hours, while other take days, or weeks to complete- depending on the complexity.

Who is your target audience and what are your future plans:

I think I have something that all women who wear jewelry will enjoy. My work vacillates between simple and classic  to cutting edge and bold. I am working toward being a full-time artist.  I intend to keep learning, keep growing and keep creating!

You can find Cheryl’s designs on her Facebook page, Etsy Shop, and on Instagram. Her pieces are also available to see and purchase at the Joslyn Art Museum and she’ll also be at the Hot Shops Art Center the month of March–both in Omaha!

Want to WIN one of Cheryl’s gorgeous, handmade necklaces?! I’m giving one lucky lady the chance to win her Rose Gold ‘Crocheted Wire Bar Pendant’ with pink seed beads {retail $52.00} pictured below. To enter, comment below with how you’d style this one of a kind piece along with your email address. Additional entry information will be on my Instagram page at 12pm CST. GOOD LUCK!

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