This particular post has been a long time coming. But I’m actually glad I’ve waited this long to talk about it. Because I feel like I’m more knowledgeable {personally} as each day goes by. So here we are: a discussion on working out while pregnant. And I hate that I even have to remind people, but PLEASE consult with your doctor when it comes to fitness during pregnancy. Y’all know I’m no expert. However, I have done a TON of research myself and consulted with my own OB on things. So I do feel confident in what I’ve been choosing to do for my body over the last 25 weeks with the twins growing in my belly.

Ever since announcing my pregnancy two months ago, the DMs have been streaming in left & right in regards to my workout routine, what program(s) I’m following, how I’m modifying things, which leggings + bras have worked best, etc. I figured it was time to get as many answers out in one place as possible. And hopefully this will be {somewhat} of a resource for you if you’re currently expecting or even if you’re in the TTC stage of life.

Working Out While Pregnant

What workouts I’m doing…

I’m exclusively doing workouts from the Peloton app now. I’m doing that for 2 reasons. One – because I never know what the moves are going to be when I select a class, it helps me to not get discouraged. And two – because it’s just plain easier. My energy to build my own legit program/workouts is non-existent right now. Plus I know I’m getting solid workouts in with all of these so I’m not too worried. When I say I don’t want to get discouraged, it’s because usually I do a leg/arm/full body day series for 5 weeks and watch my strength build. But well, that’s just not the case. So instead it decreases by the week right now. And I don’t love the headspace that puts me in. Easy fix? Do something different.

Because I’m Type A and love a routine, I’ve kept my days structured the same way they were prior to pregnancy. Monday – Leg Day + a Climb Ride. Tuesday – full body with cardio (use to be speed work). Wednesday – Arms + low-intensity cardio. Thursday – bike boot camps. Friday – full body (with prenatal specific classes). Saturday – long walks instead of long runs. Sunday – yoga. I wanted to keep this flow because I enjoy it and it’s familiar. And so far it’s worked out great!

How I’m modifying things…

For starters: lighter weights. But more than that, it’s truly being in tune with my body. Because working out while pregnant is no joke. How well did I sleep the night before? How’s my round ligament pain? Does my back hurt already? Were my nutrition + hydration from the day prior on point? Assuming all of those answers are positive, I go for a realistic weight for the week of pregnancy I’m in. For reference, I’m lifting about 50% less weight this week {week 25} than I was prior to pregnancy. And I’m learning to be ok with that. Although it’s not always an easy adjustment. And unfortunately I’m not running, but y’all know that by now.

A few other things I’ve done/am doing… I’ve widened my squat stance. But I’m still getting full depth, for now! Huge win in my book. I’ve also stopped doing any ground-to-overhead work – like clean-to-press. My deadlifts don’t have the same range of motion, but until my belly gets too big, I’m continuing to do them. I have noticed that a split stance on those can make them a lot more doable too! Also, no more traditional ab work. I’m past the ‘medium-sized belly’ appearing so that means no more crunches, etc. Your girl doesn’t want any unnecessary pressure on my core because I’m REALLY trying to avoid diastasis. Oh and I’ve moved push-ups and planks to an elevated surface & am no longer doing bench work flat, instead inclined!

Working Out While Pregnant

Favorite leggings + sports bras…

Honestly, I’ve pretty much just stayed with things I already owned. All of my sports bras – minus my lululemon Free to Be Wild ones – still fit. I just have wayyy more cleavage in them. Or I guess maybe I’m now filling them out properly!? AVYN sent me 2 of their nursing-friendly sports bras that are super comfy, but otherwise I haven’t gotten any new ones. As for leggings, I did get 2 maternity pairs from Manifest Activewear {YAY local!} that are amazing, but otherwise I’m in my normal pairs. Some styles don’t work now that the bump is large & in charge, but I’ve found that sizing up to a 6 in my favorite Wunder Trains actually works great. I really didn’t want to invest in many maternity styles because the plan is to be back to my pre-pregnancy size, eventually, once the babies arrive!

Differences I’ve noticed…

There is a laundry list of differences to be truthful. But just watching my body evolve over these last 25 weeks and seeing what it is still capable of has been so cool. My wrists can no longer support me like they use to – hello weight gain. Gone are the days of high cardio stamina. My current range of motion is limited to some capacity. And for a while, specifically mid-late 1st trimester, my hear rate would spike quickly. Also, I’ve adjusted my bike to be a bit more upright so I don’t feel as squished. I do, however, still come out of the saddle on rides. I’m following 2 rules when working out while pregnant: not allowing my heart rate to go over 80% of its max & making sure I can hold a conversation throughout. Both of those were OB recommendations for me.

Working Out While Pregnant

My plan moving forward…

Keep moving as long as I’m capable. Even if that means 5lb weights for arm workouts and walking at 2.5mph on the treadmill only. I know that what I’m doing now is making a difference. My hope is that continuing with strength work will help with labor, delivery and recovery. And that trying to get my steps in and heart rate up throughout the day will keep as many aches & pains at bay + allow me to sleep as well as possible. I rest when I need to rest, have been focusing heavily on stretching for 10+ minutes every night and make sure to adequately warm up before every workout. So far my body hasn’t told me to stop. So I’m not stopping. 🙂


xox, Kristin