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I will never be too old to make a Birthday list.

Never. Just like I’ll never be too old to consider November my Birthday MONTH. I have no shame in my game, friends! 😉 While everyone has started sharing awesome Christmas gift guides, I’m over here adding to the list of things I think other people should be buying me. Or me buying myself. More than likely the latter. I mean I will end up coming across some really good gift ideas for my sisters, Mom, friends, etc. as I’m compiling my own list of wants so I’m kind of killing two birds with one stone. Plus this list doubles as my Christmas list since my parents brought me into the world less than 30 days before the biggest holiday of the year. I guess what I’m saying is this is kind of their fault. Blame them for my madness! As totally and completely self-centered as this list is, I do sincerely hope it sparks some ideas for the important females in your life! When putting together my oh-so-important needs for the year, I like to hit various price ranges. It’s unlikely–fine, it’s not happening and I’m well aware–that Kyle will buy me a $2,000+ bag but I wouldn’t be truly making a list of things I hope to have if I didn’t include it. Alllllllll about the balance. I will say that my favorite gifts always end up being those that surprise me or catch me off guard. Something that isn’t necessarily on my list but I mentioned in passing months ago or something that someone thought of me the moment the saw it. See, I’m not totally shallow! I’d love to hear what you think of my picks & what you’re personally asking for this season! **Also, notice how much I lack the need for color! HA. Didn’t realize I was so predictable until I created this collage!**

Big weekend plans!? Overnight the temps here dropped over 50 degrees and we’ve got 40+ mph winds straight out of the North. Basically it means that I need a hot toddy, warm blanket and a Netflix binge. But tomorrow I’m sooo excited to be wedding dress shopping for my SIL. Crossing our fingers she finds ‘the one’ on Saturday!

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