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Working out is key to my sanity.

Wearing cute clothes while I’m burning calories is icing on the cake. Just like a goofy bumper sticker gets other drivers to pull up real close to read whatever ridiculous saying or opinion it states, the same concept can be applied to graphic tanks in the gym. I know I’m guilty of reading the sweat-drench boob region of the girl on the rowing machine to see what witty remark is plastered across the front. #nojudging It seems like everywhere I turn the look, cut, and fabrics of fitness apparel are getting better & better. While I’m sure I’ll always come wandering back to my long-term relationship with Lululemon, I’ve become totally smitten with so many new-to-the-scene brands. Stylistically, what we are wearing now to workout in is just as cool as street wear {and often 10x as comfortable!}. The improvements to the old school gym shorts & cut-off t-shirt from high school are SO GOOD. I may never be seen sporting a cute, multi-strap tank to a high-impact workout class full of guys & gals, but in a female-dominated yoga room? Absolutely. At least my option to do so is there now!

No longer do we have to sacrifice function for fashion!

Practicality will always remain of top importance when it comes to my workout apparel but with the selection I have to choose from now, I don’t have to look drab getting my sweat on. Ok, so that sounds vain {and it is} but I swear I workout harder and feel stronger when I look good.

If you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you play good. If you play good, they pay good. – Deion Sanders

So that last statement by Deion may not apply to me but the first two totally resonate. When I look good, I FEEL good about myself and when I feel that way then I’m confident I can go out and crush it. It being my workout…not it being a Hall of Fame Football Player. Career goals though, am I right!? 😉 Instead of sharing what my workouts looked like this week, I wanted to share some of my favorite graphic workout tops–at all price ranges & broken down by activity–to help you add a pep in your step before you step into that gym, boutique fitness class, onto the pavement or wherever your outlet may be. Take a look at what I’m currently putting on when my alarm goes off at 5:29am {I’m a freak & I have a weird thing about setting my clock for an even time}…

**Side note: I’m super, and I mean SUPER, picky about the fabrics I workout in. 100% cotton? Unlikely. Itchy? Hell no. So all of the tops I’m sharing are ‘Picky Kristin’ approved and have gotten a gold star from moi!

HIIT Workouts


Weight Lifting
