
As I write this, tears are filling my eyes and I’m brought back to exactly where I was 9 years ago today. Everyone handles the loss of a loved one differently and for me, 7/17/06 will forever be a date that is burned into my head so vividly. Before that Monday, I had only experienced the loss of a few distant family members, but that day I lost one of the most important people in my life to date. Nanny. Prior to that Monday in July, we had made the drive from home in Sergeant Bluff to Texas numerous times and it always felt like it took so long to get there, but that day, it took what felt like an eternity. I can still see us pulling into Baylor Hospital and going up the elevator, walking the halls of the hospital floor, looking out the windows onto the parking lot, and getting the news. About the time we found out that Nanny went to Heaven, I was supposed to be playing 2nd base in the first round of the District Softball Tournament. I remember thinking that day was supposed to be a good day…not the worst day of my life so far. But, like in all things, life had to go on. Nanny was no longer in pain or enduring any more suffering.

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’ That’s exactly what He did that day. He took Nanny’s weariness and her pain and gave her the best kind of rest there is; Eternal rest. Though she is no longer here on this Earth with us any more, I still see her in every hydrangea and ketchup packet (long story☺, and every time I hear ‘Amazing Grace.’ I know everyone experiences losses…the loss of a parent, a sibling, a husband or wife, and I look up to those who have dealt with those losses with such poise and positivity–you all are truly amazing. I hope that today, each of you hugs someone a second longer and says ‘I Love You’ and extra time, because you never know what the next moment may bring.

Nanny, we miss you daily, we love you, and we cannot wait to be reunited again. This picture of Janae and I was one of your favorites, so this is for you. Xox.

