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The struggle is real sometimes and motivation is in short supply.

I’m sure all of you can relate to one extent or another but there seem to be times where it’s just one thing after another that seem to not go our way. After being incredibly sick last week and still not being fully recovered yet, my motivation to workout has been nearly non-existent. That doesn’t mean I haven’t dragged myself out of bed to hit up a few OrangeTheory classes and out for morning runs with Beckett, but my heart just has not been into it the way it normally is.ย To add to the discouragement, I’ll go off on a tangent and share a quick fertility update…I got my period on Monday night {overshare, I know} which means yet another unsuccessful month of treatments. I’ve now lost count of how many times I have gotten to give myself shots in the stomach and am pretty much use to the nearly-constant feeling of nausea in the two week treatment window. I start another round on Thursday and am praying that the Femara works this time because my body just didn’t respond whatsoever to the Clomid. For the first month, I was super motivated to keep up my workout routine in hopes that it’d help me remained focused and my body as healthy as possible but those feelings go further and further away with each negative test. I’m fully aware that God is in the driver’s seat throughout this but I catch myself much too often trying to take the wheel instead. The guilt I feel every time I have to tell Kyle that I need to go buy tampons is heartbreaking but I know I have to hold it together. Ok. WOW. The hormones throughout this first paragraph are a little much, I apologize! ๐Ÿ™‚ Total honesty is what I strive for within the blog and I know that so often my Workout Wednesday posts are upbeat and seem like I’m just this ‘always wanting to workout’ girl…so I wanted to share that even me, who puts fitness extremely high on my priority list, has days–or weeks!–that exercise is the last thing I want to be doing. Below I’m sharing 3 of my fool-proof ways to motivate me to get my sweat on that seem to work wonders for my psyche!

New Fitness Gear

I’m a fashion lover in every sense so of course I want to look at least kind of cute when I’m working out. Adding new fitness pieces to my wardrobe always puts an extra pep in my step and it encourages me to get to a cycling or OTF class so I can show off the newest marble print leggingsย or backless tank that I just picked up. Superficial? Sure. Should I be saving the $$ for medications and shots? That’s what the HSA account is for, HA! Motivating? Absolutely. Here are a few of my newest fitness pieces:

One / Two / Three / Four / Five

Mixing things up

When motivation is lacking, sometimes it can be blamed on just being in a routine rut. Sure there are usually external or emotional factors involved but sometimes I’m just bored. I always go to OTF 2-3x/week because I pay for a certain amount of classes and I love the variety I get when I’m there. But that only accounts for 1/3 of my monthly routine so I need to constantly be mixing in yoga, cycling, barre, long runs, hiking and other random bursts of activity or the rut begins. Mixing things up is crucial for me and I haven’t been great about that lately. I’ve committed myself to getting back into a local yoga studio once per week to focus on my practice and I’m looking into trying out TITLE Boxing Club here in Omaha. I’ve also signed up for two races in November to get myself back on a consistent running/training schedule.


You wouldn’t miss a scheduled business meeting or a happy hour so the same philosophy should hold true to workouts you schedule. I block time off in my planner, on my Outlook calendar and in my iPhone to exercise. It may seem weird but when I see it written down, I just think of it as something that must be done. I also love signing up for workout classes in advance because I know if I don’t go, I’ll pay for them anyway so it’s an extra boost of motivation to set the alarm and go. It works the same way for me when I plan to workout with a friend. If I know someone is waiting for me at the lake for a trail run, I can’t make any excuses.

How do you stay motivated when it comes to fitness and working out? Any tips or tricks to share?! Would love to hear!